Книжкова Хата 097-609-59-85, 099-640-03-70 095-799-22-16, 097-427-54-23 050-338-76-35, 098-104-30-05
Наприклад: Кінг...
Flynn Katie Polly’s Angel. [used]

Flynn Katie

Polly’s Angel. [used]

2010 р. , обкладинка: м
5 оцінок: 1
Продано, немає в наявності

29 грн.
   - Нова Пошта 1-3 дні
   - Укрпошта 3-7 днів

   - при отриманні
   - на карту Приватбанка

In 1936 Polly's guardian angel has to work overtime when her large family is forced to move from the countryside they love into central Liverpool.Money is desperately short and with her mother working and her father sick,Polly is easily led astray by her new friend, the handsome, idle Sunny Anderson.But soon war looms and Sunny joins the navy as a signaller....
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