Книжкова Хата 097-609-59-85, 099-640-03-70 095-799-22-16, 097-427-54-23 050-338-76-35, 098-104-30-05
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Matt Hilton No Going Back: The Seventh Joe Hunter Thriller. [USED]

Matt Hilton

No Going Back: The Seventh Joe Hunter Thriller. [USED]

, обкладинка: м
5 оцінок: 1
Продано, немає в наявності

53 грн.
   - Нова Пошта 1-3 дні
   - Укрпошта 3-7 днів

   - при отриманні
   - на карту Приватбанка

Jameson Walker approaches Joe Hunter when his daughter Jay and her friend Nicole go missing at a gas station in the Arizona desert while on a cross-country trek across the North American interior. He mentions that a robbery/homicide at the gas station as worrying as the girls were due to be in the vicinity at that time. Joe accepts the job of locating the girls, though not at first convinced there's much to worry about. As Joe picks up the girls' trail he discovers that other young women have also disappeared in the area, and comes across the brutish Logan family.
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